Adjustable Trigger Head White for 750ml
Fusion Chemical Dilution Dispenser
Fusion was made for the modern housekeeping environment. The smooth, hard-wearing outer shell quickly catches the attention of users looking for a resilient and durable chemical dispenser. The large push button allows for easy activation with optional lock-on for bucket filling and is available in six colors: black, blue, green, red, white, and yellow. Users can clearly see the large, customizable label display area of the company name or chemicals being used.
Mobile Compressed Air Fogger DEMA
DEMA’s mobile compressed air foamers and foggers are innovative systems that allow for easy storage and institutional foam cleaning and fogging. Ergonomic and smart features offer a wide range of mobility and convenience in use. On foaming units, an easy grip on/off ball valve and stainless steel wand add to the overall ease of use and durability expected.